
Chidambaram Narayanan
Author: Chidambaram Narayanan, CISA,特许会计师,Azure网络安全架构师专家(SC-100)
Date Published: 11 June 2024
Read Time: 3 minutes

约翰·多伊慢吞吞地看着另一份审计报告,一个熟悉的坑在他的胃里形成. Numbers meticulously analyzed, reports impeccably formatted – yet, board reactions remained lukewarm.

这些数据,无论多么精确,都没能点燃约翰内心深处的紧迫感. Frustration gnawed at him. "How can I make them see this?"

How can they truly understand?” he thought. “There has to be a better way他喃喃自语,这个问题在他的脑海里无情地回响了好几天.

Then, a spark of inspiration – storytelling!

缺少的不是数据本身,而是数据呈现的方式. 围绕冷酷无情的事实编织故事,可能是释放它们真正影响的关键.

It’s important to clarify that auditors shouldn't “weave stories” around their findings. 审计是关于准确性和事实报告. However, they can present their findings in a compelling way 抓住注意力,确保他们的信息被理解.

Here’s how:

  • Shifting the focus: 约翰决定放弃像"inventory records were inaccurate.”  Instead, he’d paint a picture: “不准确的记录可能导致缺货, 留下空荡荡的货架和沮丧的顾客,他们可能会把生意转移到其他地方.”
  • Numbers talk: Numbers weren’t just decorations; they added weight to the narrative. 约翰不会只说“未记录的费用”,他会将其量化:“未记录的费用导致了100美元。,000 understatement of liabilities, 可能危及公司的财务健康.”
  • Provide context约翰明白这些发现背后的“原因”至关重要. “Inaccurate inventory records,” he realized, ,原因是系统过时,员工培训不足, 增加了缺货和随后的收入损失的风险.”
  • Follow a narrative structure把报告写成一个故事,介绍问题, 深入研究细节,最后提出建议.
  • Use clear and concise language丢掉行话:“缺乏标准的费用报告程序导致了差异, 妨碍准确的财务决策,” John rephrased. Now it was clear – and concerning.
  • Visual appeal: 为了进一步增强影响力,约翰计划加入战略性的视觉效果. 图表和图形可以使复杂的数据更容易理解, 而颜色可以突出关键的发现, 抓住注意力,确保信息在多个层面上产生共鸣.

通过结合这些讲故事的技巧, 约翰的目的是把枯燥的报道变成引人入胜的叙述. Facts would become relatable situations, 后果将是切实的威胁,建议将不是建议——它们将是明确的行动呼吁. This impactful approach, John believed, wouldn’t just foster comprehension; it would cultivate a sense of shared responsibility, 在组织内部推动积极的变化.

About the author: Chidambaram Narayanan是一位经验丰富的内部审计师,拥有20多年的会计和审计经验. Specializing in financial and IT domains, 他曾在财富500强澳门赌场官方下载的制造业工作过, automotive, engineering, and retail sectors.

Chidambaram拥有著名的特许会计师头衔,并配备了一套强大的认证, 包括CISA和微软Azure网络安全套件(SC-200), SC-300, SC-400, SC-100, SC-900). 目前,他是ISACA马斯喀特分会的董事会成员.

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